Running Performance & Gait Analysis


Your assessment includes a thorough evaluation by a physical therapist of including biomechanics, functional strength and muscle length, video anaylsis of your gait, and review of running injury profile and history. An extensive report is generated based on the total findings, including recommendations for addressing injury risk and performance tweaks. This is reviewed with you in light of your goals.

This package includes two 30-minute follow-up training sessions that target your specific needs or areas for optimization.

This program is designed for healthy runners ofany abilities. Megan and Becca have worked with runners ranging from semi-professional looking for the edge to first-timers who want to do things right from the beginning.



Single sessions can be booked after you complete the two follow-up training sessions included in your assessment.

Each single session includes 1:1 training to work on specific exercises and receive training tips to achieve your personal running goals.



This Ultimate Combo Performance Package includes:

RUNNING ASSESSMENT: A 70-90 minute evaluation covering biomechanical measurements of the spine, hips, knees, ankles and feet. The assessment takes place with slow motion video analysis of your run at various paces so you can tailor to a specific race training program. Plus, two 30-minute follow-up training sessions and a written report of findings and recommendations. You’ll work with our dynamic duo, Megan or Rebecca, both Doctors of Physical Therapy. ($300 value)

NUTRITIONAL AND HORMONAL ASSESSMENT: Identify nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, and other common barriers to running that can only be discovered through lab work. You’ll work with Jill, a Certified Registered Nurse Practitioner and Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner. ($300 value)

This program is designed for performance optimization and is not a diagnostic or medical evaluation.


Why is Runwell right for you???

Using biomechanical analysis of the joints and muscles plus slow motion video, we’ll help you improve your running times and performance while avoiding injury.

With a Runwell program you can go faster, transition to alternate surfaces, win races, and keep putting in the miles for years to come.

CLick the video below to find out!