Acupuncture is practice from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). During a session, the practitioner inserts very thin, sterile needles at strategic places on the patient’s body. Acupuncture can help address a range of symptoms and conditions from acute and chronic pain to anxiety, nausea, asthma, addiction, and more.
What to expect
During your first visit, you will receive a comprehensive evaluation including a review of your history. You’ll undergo an examination and your practitioner will design the best treatment plan for your individual needs, which could include acupuncture, acupressure, and more.
treatment options
To help you achieve your goals, our acupuncturists also offer:
manual therapy
mobility training
and breath work instruction
Your practitioner will discuss these treatments with you at your evaluation. Or, to inquire about any of these treatments, contact The Restoration Space today. (Check “acupuncture” on the form linked below or call us at the number provided.)